
CEO of Mircosoft Steve Ballmer sell his shares

For the first time in 7 years, Steve Ballmer selling 12% of the shares of the U.S. software group, which he currently holds, or $ 1.3 billion. Many believe that he was considering leaving the company.
CEO of Mircosoft Steve Ballmer sell his shares. Ảnh: AFP.
According to Reuters, within 3 days, Ballmer sold 49.3 million shares with only $ 27 per share. He now owns 359 million shares (representing 4.2%) totaling $ 9.6 billion. CEO says it will continue to sell an additional 75 million shares at year end.

Previous speculation by analysts, Ballmer confirms his actions should not be provided to a "lack of confidence in the company's largest software world."

"Although this is a personal finance issues, I want to announce clearly to avoid any questions. I'm very excited about the new Microsoft products as well as the ability to change people's lives through our technology me. I still wholeheartedly for Microsoft, "Ballmer explained on the company website.

Ballmer, 54, to Microsoft in 1980 and served as CEO from 2000 here. He has never shown a desire to abdicate, or leave despite repeated criticism because the value of Microsoft shares up and down erratically.

Who holds the most shares in the U.S. software group is Bill Gates with 621 million shares (7.2%) even though he regularly shares, each from 1 to 2 million, to fund charities .

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