
How to earn money writing online content

The creation of the worldwide internet and the affordability of the desktop or personal computer have resulted in an incredible phenomenon: a global online marketplace. It’s a fact. These days just about everybody, everywhere, uses a computer. And, because that is true, new markets have developed, seemingly overnight.
There are also new ways of doing business. Professional writers, of articles or of advertising – or anything else – now find that the best way to find work, and new clients, is not in the local newspaper’s classified section … not through word of mouth … not even by referral – NO, the best way to find and get work is right on the Internet.
There are now scores of online marketplaces for professional writers, websites that bring together providers (writers) and clients (companies or individuals seeking professional writing services). Many of these marketplaces charge a fee to the client and to the provider, generally a modest and affordable sum, sometimes a small percentage of the provider’s fee.
Some marketplace websites charge the equivalent of a monthly retainer or membership fee to the buyer and the seller. The fee is very modest and both buyer and seller receive protection for their interests from the website company. In fact, if any disputes arise, the website company will step in to orchestrate a settlement that is fair to both parties. That is what the monthly membership fee buys the provider and his client – a safeguarding of their interests.
It is also true that some marketplace websites charge nothing to the buyer or the seller for the services that bring them together. That’s because these websites exist on advertising that fills their pages. The advertising comes from companies that are selling products or services related to employment and self-employment.
If you are a writer interested in finding online clients, but concerned that you will find it difficult to compete, think again. Online marketplaces cover the globe. There are dozens, even hundreds or thousands of jobs posted daily. And, while there are many who will be competing with you, there is sufficient freelance work available for everybody.
Here is something to remember: if you bid on work and get an assignment, live up to your promise. If you have assured your new client that work will be delivered on Monday, fulfill your promise. If you deliver it Tuesday, you may never get another assignment. You will, however, hurt your own reputation.
Here is something else to think about. You will find countless jobs available to bidders every day. Your temptation will be to “place a bid” on everything you see. Don’t do it. Bid only on those jobs that fall within your expertise. Online clients rate performance. If you win a job and then produce poor results, it could damage your reputation and make it more difficult for you to win new assignments in the future.
The thought to remember is simple this: don’t be greedy, be smart.

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